The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint by Gordon Korman

The 39 Clues: Unstoppable Book 4: Flashpoint by Gordon Korman

Author:Gordon Korman
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780545540056
Published: 2014-07-17T00:00:00+00:00

With the final ingredient swimming circles in a water jug in the back of the Humvee, the next order of business was what to do about Cara Pierce. Dan and Ian trusted her, and the others were inclined to take their side. Amy was the lone holdout. And just as the serum had enhanced her physical performance, it had boosted her stubbornness as well.

In the end, she agreed that Cara would come back to their guesthouse to discuss possible cooperation, but only if Amy’s conditions were met: (1) She would surrender her phone, and the GPS chip would be removed and destroyed. (2) She would be blindfolded until they were indoors so she could not betray their location. And (3) she would be handcuffed and restrained while she was with them.

“Oh, come on, Amy!” Dan exploded. “No way she’s going to agree to that!”

“I agree to all of it,” Cara said readily. “Amy’s just being careful. I don’t blame her a bit. If I were in her shoes, I’d be the same way.”

As it turned out, handcuffs were not readily available in the stores of Siem Reap. But Amy was able to improvise with a dog leash. She made a great show of cinching Cara’s hands behind her back and then fastening her to an iron pipe.

“Come on, Amy, that’s too tight,” Ian complained. “She’s betraying her whole family to help us. I know better than anyone how hard that can be. And how do we repay her? With medieval torture.”

“I’m fine,” Cara assured him. “But you might want to do something about your nose. It looks a little irritated where the snake got you.”

Ian ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. It was true. The site of the scratch was an angry red. And was that swelling? “I’ve been bitten by a poisonous snake!”

“You said it was only slightly poisonous,” Dan reminded him.

“Oh, that’s a tremendous comfort!” Ian snapped back. “When the venom reaches my brain stem, you are slightly disinvited to my funeral.”

“It only nicked you,” Hamilton added.

“Good thing I’m surrounded by medical experts!” Ian spat sarcastically. He ran over to Pony’s laptop for snakebite research.

Jake’s priorities were definitely elsewhere. “I know I’m not a Cahill, but this seems like a no-brainer to me. We have all the ingredients. We should make the antidote and give it to Amy before she gets any worse.”

“It doesn’t work that way,” Amy told him, finally taking the time to kick off her muddy sneakers and collapse onto one of the rush mats. “We can’t just mix it up in a bucket and boil it over an open fire. It has to be done in a lab, with a real chemist.”

“Sammy Mourad,” Cara put in.

Amy all but pounced on her. “What do you know about Sammy?”

“I know my father has him at his Delaware facility. I assume you’ve got Cahill assets already working on getting him out.”

A fierce look. “Nice try.” No one had been able to reach Nellie for a few days.


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